Rays Services
RAYS SERVICES> Market Survey and Market Intelligence
We help the companies to understand the pulse of customers with latest surveys using tele services like internet surveys, polls and one to one survey.
We suggest and guide you through the right type of survey for your product so that the contact analysis can be done through results, reports, reaction rate, costs and overall response.
We offer extensive market intelligence services through our outbound call center which conducts surveys based on impact of advertising, customer reactivity sensex and customer preferences.
We can help collate information’s on your competitor products and services and their pros and cons. We can give you general customer preference statistics which will help you to mould your products and services to get the winning edge. Using the new media like internet newsletters, online promotions, internet web site pop up questionnaires and viral marketing, we ensure you have the necessary market intelligence to compete with global products.
CA: +1-519-968-9533
US: +1-718-355-9225